Monday, February 23, 2009

Not Me Monday

Sit back, prop your feet up, and listen to my "Not me!" Monday, filled with absurdities that I absolutely have not done this week.

I did not go home everyday last week and prop my feet up with a WeightWatchers popsicle and watch countless episodes of Bringing Home Baby. That would just be obsessive!

I did not sleep until 10:30 on Saturday and still get tired at my usual 10:00 pm, that would just be too crazy!

I did not make a special trip to Barnes and Noble just to read a little in a pregnacy book because I am just SO anxious to get pregnant. That would also be a little obsessive!

I did not suggest to my husband to play Rock Band this week, because deep inside, I really do feel like a Rock Star when I sing with the microphone and play the drums or guitar. That would just be too silly!

And lastly, I totally did not get a meal from Wendy's (while I'm on WeightWatchers) and eat all of the fries before we got home, which is less than 5 minutes away. That would just be ridiculous!


ShEiLa said...

fellow WW here...

i want you to know i have never ate something i shouldn't... especially french fries the deep fried kinds... no not me!


Sara @ Domestically Challenged said...

Now, i am NOT going to admit that i constantly watched Bringing Home Baby while TTC and preggo. I cried every single episode! Have a great week!

Brad & Katy said...

You went where and read what!?!?