Wednesday, February 18, 2009

I have several blogs that I follow on a daily basis. One of which is Pray for Abby. It is the story of a family who has adopted several children, and one of the little girls, Abby, has cancer. It is truly a heartwrenching story of her struggle to live, and deal with the cancer. I also follow the blog of Matt Logelin, about a man whose wife died a day after giving birth to their daughter. It is his story, and basically how he is raising a child as a single parent, and also dealing with the grief that he is going through.

Reading these stories makes me realize just exactly how blessed I am in my life. God has truly blessed me in ways I never thought were possible. I have a wonderful family, and was raised by the best parents. I have an amazing husband. I have a job, and own a house. I have wonderful inlaws. It just seems that everyday, God finds a way to show me that He is truly the One.

Sometimes, we get bogged down by all that we have to get done on a day to day basis. Cooking, cleaning, going to the grocery, not to mention our actual jobs, and other activities that we may participate in. I sometimes forget to just stop and take a look around at all that I have been blessed with. I have been trying to find extra time the past few days to talk to God, and to thank Him for all that He's given me.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

We are truly blessed Katy. I agree with you and oftentimes we forget because we are so abundantly blessed with so many favors. Do me a favor...if I ever express my forgetfullness of how blessed I am please bring me back to reality...

and he says I'm a keeper not a sport (smile)