Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Back to the Grind

I started back to work yesterday, and I cannot tell you how hard it has been getting up early. I was really getting used to waking up late, and getting stuff done around the house, and cooking dinner for my dear husband. :) I tried to talk him into letting me be a stay at home mom, but he reminded me that we have no kids, and that I am, in fact, not a mom. I told him that I am a mom to Polo, but he didn't go for that. I then told him I could just be a housewife. However, he still did not go for that idea. Oh well, maybe someday I won't have to work.

I have become motivated by my friends Jan, Kim, and Jennifer to start running. They are all training for a half marathon in April. I began my running on Saturday after I got some new running shoes and decided that if I can find any kind of race coming up in the next few months, then I would like to start training. I can't run very far as of right now, but hopefully, I will be able to increase my distance. It just depends on what my back will allow me to do.

Last night was the season finale of Jon and Kate Plus 8. I absolutely LOVE that show, and in the week leading up to it, there were rumors that they were splitting up, and the preview to the show gave that same feel. I was really nervous about watching it, because I really don't want them to split up. Anyways, I have good news to report....THEY ARE NOT SPLITTING UP!!!

I know this post was really random, and I talked about a lot of different things, I just wanted to get everyone up to date on what is going on with me :)

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