Monday, March 9, 2009

~One Less Hour~

I absolutely HATE when the time changes. It was so hard to wake up this morning. Well, given the fact that Brad and I both forgot to change the time on the big clock in the den, and my clock beside the bed, I went to bed an hour later than I thought I was, which meant an hour of sleep lost. Anyone who knows me knows that I LOVE my sleep. I have been yawning all morning, and its only 9:40. I have a feeling that it is going to be a L - O - N - G day. Another thing that didn't help me get up this morning was the fact that Brad has the day off, so he was still sleeping soundly when I left.

This weekend was pretty eventful. On Friday night, Brad and I went to dinner with his parents, Kati and Travis for Kati's birthday. We then went to the movies (a rare treat) and saw Watchmen. Saturday consisted of making a trip down Walnut Grove to the Agricenter to go to my weather class. Little did I know that I would be traveling down that road about a million times that day.

Jan and I had planned to go shopping Saturday afternoon. During her morning run at Shelby Farms, she lost her Keyless entry to her car, so we went out there to get her wallet and everything. (That was my 2nd trip down Walnut Grove.) As soon as we pulled in, she remembered that she had left her spare key at home (another trip down Walnut Grove). We got to her house, and picked up our friend Stephanie and headed back to Shelby Farms (that's right, 4th time on W.G.)

After we got her wallet we made our way around town and to the mall. Before heading home, we had to go get her car and take to her house (Trip 5 on W. G). By the end of the day, neither of us wanted to hear the name Walnut Grove.

Dinner that night was at Outback to celebrate Scott's birthday, then to play Rock Band at their house. By the time we got home that night, I was feeling sick and ended staying in bed for most of Sunday.

That was all for my big weekend. Hope yours was just as fun!

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